Monday 13 March 2017

The Ubuntu test

Teaching the Modern Physics (introductory Quantum Mechanics) course at BIUST I had difficulty in getting the students to not only to engage the course material, but their class mates as well.

The first test I gave the class did not go so well.   In the spirit of giving them a chance to better their mark and also to force more cooperation between them I gave them a second test.  I called it the Ubuntu test (after the IsiXhosa saying made famous by Nelson Mandela that goes something like "I am well if you are well").

For the Ubuntu test, l set aside a two hour tutorial period. At the start of the period I gave them one question that needed to be in the Ubuntu test. For the next 30 minutes they had to decide what the other questions in the test will be.  The test had to have a total of a certain amount. All homework, tutorial or other test questions were fair game. However, everyone in the class had to be in agreement with regards to the questions.

 After thirty minutes they had to give me the questions so that I could go and set the test which they will start to write individually with an hour left in the period.  The kicker was that since this is an Ubuntu test the class average will be awarded to all. The idea was that in the remaining they could discuss and bring each other up to speed.

It worked relatively well, but unfortunately I think their confidence let them down and thus they could not use the time constructively.  At least the average was a pass. 

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